Wednesday, June 4, 2008

What? Me? Paranoid?

Why do you always follow meee? follow me? foooollloooww mmeeeeeeeeee? why do you always follow meeee? FA FA LOW LOW MEEEE!?

Ok where does this stem from you wanna know? Good cause I was gonna tell ya anyways hehe

I went to the ATM one evening. I wont say when or what area of town i was in tho! WHY? Ummm read above plz! Paranoia set in BIG time!

I swear lol i was lookin at lil ole ladies that prob couldn't move any faster than my turtle (Tho that chick can get some speed on her if you put her on a rug instead of linoleum!) wondering what ulterior motives they might have in mind........

I SEE YOU OVER THERE GRANNY!! I will kick yer butt if you come any closer!! hmmmm did I MENTION i was paranoid?

Then there are those folks on the bikes.... folks in Orlando ride bikes obsessively i swear! So this guy comes rollin up as I am headin for the bank....... (yes the bank is CLOSED! its after 10 PM for gods sake peeps!) Anyways, my good friend Para (thats Paranoia folks! try to keep up mmmkay?) well, Para says ...pssst... chicky! look at that guy over there! DO NOT head for the bank now!!

So what did I do? well hell I aint stupids! I went in the store next door and wandered around like i HAD money LOL. waitin for para to tell me it was safe to go to the bank.

The moral being folks...lets all try to rem to hit the ATM BEFORE nitefall OK!? OK!

BTW that first part? about follow me? I dont know how many of you remember it but its a kids song.... i couldnt give ya the tune if you pulled my toenails out one by one tho SRY! but it pops into my head on occasion and this time led me to this rant.

Now being the good lil researcher that I am, And always wanting you to get your moneys worth from my blog (What the HELL do you MEAN you dont pay to be here? GEEZ!) I did go lookin for who or what wrote this lil ditty but i found nothing. as i am writing tho I THINK maybe it was a girl scout or campfire girls song. Well whateva, if you know the source feel free to let me know as I am one of those obsessive peeps that wants to know ALL!!

Later gaters!


La, Storyteller/Storysinger said...

Ha!! I know that song and I know the tune! I can hum it if you like :P
So you ought to be a mite paranoid when you go to the atm at night.
Ya ought not go at night but you know that.
And its cute how your paranoia has a name. Gotta name mine. Ester...Joan...Eve!!

Funny Videos said...

I love that. Awesome :)