Saturday, June 7, 2008


Well DAMN GUYS!! That didnt work either!! all those deep calmin breathes for nothin!!

WHY does the Googlemeister hate me? why is he blockin my post? Does he have nothin better to do? Is it cause i am cuter than him? or cause I dont have to create a 50 gagillion dollar business to get friends????

Shouldnt he be off creatin more googly typeish things for our enjoyment.....

Honestly i loves the Gmeister and all his lil toys but if he doesnt stop lurkin around my forest ... cuttin my posts to shreds...well its gonna be ON boyo!!

OMG OMG its past noon and the genius vibes are finally flowin! *yea yea it takes a while....SHUT UP!* :P

I just had a genius thought....ok nobody leave the circle of peaceful meanderings..... i'll BRB!

da da da da da da daaaaaaaaa dum dum dum dum DUM dadadadada........... *thats jeopardy theme folks...hum along as we wait .....*


I AM A GENIUS SHEEEERR GENIUS!! *ala Wile E Coyote* or howevers ya spells it!

ok iffen ya go read the Danger blog....... scroll down and read MY comment FIRST hehe! It let me post the beginning of the blog in the comments section!

HA AND HA Gmeister! outwitted again! *blowin raspberries cause i am sooo mature when i win*

Later Gaters!!!


La, Storyteller/Storysinger said...

Woot!! You is a Genius!!!

Spiral_Thoughts said...

I'm just hangin out in your forest of friendship... peein on the trees.

wait.. was there a point? I mean besides the one on my head dangit .. you aren't sposed to mention that point.. gawsh.

Spiral_Thoughts said...

Some day .. some when I am gonna click that lil handicappeded thingy deal and see if it makes typing this much mo easier yet.. cuz .. I got a screwed up bizibody to type now..

ybodbizi hmmmmmm... you think they suspects?

Is what actually happened.. nope I wouldn't kid a kidder.

Spiral_Thoughts said...

evil.. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil.. wicked evil mean blogger google bastages.

La, Storyteller/Storysinger said...

I looooooove basement cat!!!!